American Super Logger

Follow four generations of life in the Fraser Valley, Colorado, through the eyes of an old school logger. Steve Murphy’s great-grandfather had come over Rollins Pass in 1884 and subsequent generations tweaked a living ranching one of the oldest ranches in the valley. Breaking from family tradition, Steve is nicknamed “super logger” for hand cutting, skidding, delimiting and stacking logs expeditiously by himself in America’s most dangerous profession. Yet instead of building a log home, he talks about the construction of his environmentally efficient earth buried concrete structure on top of a mountain.

Grand County Historical Association and the Grand County Pioneer Village Museum premiered  Kent Gunnufson’s production in the summer of 2019. The Colorado International Film Festival award their Platnuim Award and the Frostbite International Indie Fest in Colorado Springs made it a Finalist. Plays only on Blu-ray.  $10.00


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