Day: October 27, 2020

Pat Barber – Singer/Songwriter

When I met Pat Barber, he was a very creative musician and living in a tent near mine at the Telluride camp ground. He was homeless but still put together a record deal that the town backed and he produced. He is in my film Bumming Colorado’s Ski Country.

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Lissa Hanner-Singer/Songwriter

Lissa is from the town of Guffey, a very small town known for having a dog as its mayor. She has spent much of her life living on her ranch in western Colorado but committed to pursuing her musical art. I’ve integrated many of my favorite images with her music.

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Anthony Powell-Antarctic Photographer

This is the short version of Anthony Powell talking about the difficulties in dealing with subzero conditions in making his film Antarctic–A Year on Ice. The film was shot with a DSLR and took over 10 years in the making. Great insight to living at the south Pole and what life there is like. The

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